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Eye bag removal

Courses available

20 min
From 50 British pounds

Service Description

Eye Bag Removal Injection is a specialized treatment designed to address common concerns in the eye contour area, including puffiness, dark circles, and poor microcirculation. This powerful injectable cocktail is formulated to target and treat these issues, providing noticeable improvements in the appearance of the under-eye region. How It Works The Eye Bag Removal Injection involves the use of a carefully selected blend of active ingredients delivered via injection into the under-eye area. The formulation typically includes: Drainage Agents: To reduce excess fluid and diminish puffiness around the eyes. Anti-Puffiness Compounds: To target and reduce swelling, providing a smoother and more even appearance. Anti-Dark Circles Ingredients: To address pigmentation and improve the appearance of dark circles, enhancing the overall brightness of the eye area. Microcirculation Enhancers: To improve blood flow and circulation, which helps to rejuvenate and revitalize the delicate skin around the eyes. Benefits of Eye Bag Removal Injection Reduces Puffiness: Effectively diminishes swelling and fluid retention, leading to a more refreshed and youthful look. Lightens Dark Circles: Targets pigmentation and improves the appearance of dark circles, brightening the under-eye area. Improves Microcirculation: Enhances blood flow and circulation, promoting healthier skin and reducing signs of fatigue. Minimally Invasive: The treatment is non-surgical and involves minimal discomfort, with results visible within a short period. Quick Procedure: Typically completed in a short appointment, allowing for minimal disruption to your daily routine. The Eye Bag Removal Injection at LAB Aesthetics is an advanced treatment designed to tackle under-eye concerns with a powerful cocktail of active ingredients. By addressing puffiness, dark circles, and poor microcirculation, this injection offers a non-invasive solution for revitalizing the eye contour area. Experience a refreshed, youthful appearance with a treatment that provides quick, effective results and enhances the overall look of your eyes.

Booking Policy

DEPOSITS are NOT REFUNDABLE. 48 hours notice must be given in order to reschedule your appointment and retain your original deposit. If less than 48 hours notice you will loose your deposit and will be required to place a new deposit for another appointment. If you miss your appointment you will be charged the full treatment price. Please contact us via Text or Telephone on 07785113924 if you have an issue with you appointment within less than 48 hours.

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